Day 01 - 13th January
Is God Real?
Today we are inviting you to take the first steps into growing a relationship with a real and living God. You may ask, as so many others do: “How do we know God is real?” Turn to page 10 in your handbook then click on the image to see today's devotional.
Day 02 - 14th January
God's Love Initiative
Our discovery today will be that God took the first steps towards us. We will see it in the testimony of Saul, whom we spoke of in the previous chapter. Saul—renamed Paul after his Damascus experience—wrote many of the books of the New Testament. Turn to page 13 in your handbook then click on the image to see today's devotional.
Day 03 - 15th January
Who is Jesus?
God is revealed to us as the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. One God, yet three persons… how can this be rationally explained? Turn to page 16 in your handbook then click on the image to see today's devotional.
Day 04 - 16th January
What is Faith?
In John 3:16 we learned that eternal life is promised to everyone who believes. If faith is the requirement then, what does it actually mean? Turn to page 19 in your handbook then click on the image to see today's devotional.
Day 05 - 17th January
The Loving Father
Luke was one of the early followers of Jesus and he recorded a story told by Jesus. Jesus shows us the character of God and also reveals something of our own human story. Turn to page 22 in your handbook then click on the image to see today's devotional.
Day 06 - 20th January
The Gift Of Grace
This is your second week of growing in your relationship with your Father in heaven. In this week we will discover not just what God did for us, but also what he is doing in us! Turn to page 28 in your handbook then click on the image to see today's devotional.
Day 07 - 21st January
What Is Sin?
Romans 5:8: But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.
Our question today is: Why are we referred to as sinners?
Turn to page 33 in your handbook then click on the image to see today's devotional.
Day 08 - 22nd January
The idea of forgiveness paints the picture where God looks at you and literally removes all your past mistakes from you, as far as the east is from the west. You are so valuable to Him that he is willing to separate you from your sins; looking at your value and not your mistakes. Turn to page 36 in your handbook then click on the image to see today's devotional.
Day 09 - 23rd January
New Identity
We so often hear people say: "I am just a sinner saved by grace." This gives us the impression that they are barely surviving; that God is just tolerating us. But from today's scripture we discover a radically different idea. Turn to page 39 in your handbook then click on the image to see today's devotional.
Day 10 - 24th January
Grace Empowers Me
Our last discovery—in this week about grace—is how it empowers us to live godly, purposeful, and peaceful lives. Turn to page 42 in your handbook then click on the image to see today's devotional.
Day 11 - 27th January
Assurance for Eternity
We are in week three where we will get to understand that we can live with assurance of our faith and also how to fully surrender to Jesus and His life. Turn to page 46 in your handbook then click on the image to see today's devotional.
Day 12 - 28th January
A New Way of Living
Today, we will continue to talk about the idea of life. Let’s look at one of the most famous scriptures in the New Testament. Turn to page 51 in your handbook then click on the image to see today's devotional.
Day 13 - 29th January
Baptism of Believers
Jesus' disciples went through a public demonstration to prove that they were indeed His followers by executing what the Bible calls baptism. Jesus himself was also baptised. At the end of His life, He commanded His disciples to make disciples of all men, baptising them in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Turn to page 54 in your handbook then click on the image to see today's devotional.
Day 14 - 30th January
The Holy Spirit
In our first week, we discovered that God is revealed to us as the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Today we take a look at the 3rd person in the Godhead, the Holy Spirit. Turn to page 57 in your handbook then click on the image to see today's devotional.
Day 15 - 31st January
The Guidance of The Holy Spirit
It is clear from Scripture that Jesus needed the Holy Spirit for all He accomplished. It should be obvious then that we also need the Holy Spirit in the same way. Turn to page 60 in your handbook then click on the image to see today's devotional.
Day 16 - 3rd February
The Word Of God
This is the last week of your first steps into a quality relationship with your Father in heaven. We will consider a few of the ‘what now’ questions from here on. We will look at some habits, give encouragement, and discuss the implications of what it means to be a follower of JesusTurn to page 66 in your handbook then click on the image to see today's devotional.
Day 17 - 4th February
A relationship with our Father in heaven is based on regular conversation with Him. This is similar to a good friendship that you may have with someone you love. You have regular conversations, sometimes short and sometimes long chats, which happen at regular intervals. When we realise that prayer is an activity of friendship, we realise that it is just conversation with our God.
Turn to page 71 in your handbook then click on the image to see today's devotional.
Day 18 - 5th February
Church Life
Healthy church life is an integral part of our spiritual walk with God, just as important as Bible study and prayer. Our relationship with Jesus is expressed in relationships with other believers. Turn to page 74 in your handbook then click on the image to see today's devotional.
Day 19 - 6th February
If I Stumble Again
We are the children of God. That is our identity. That does not mean that we will not make mistakes. When we sin, it is normal to feel guilty and want to run away to hide somewhere like Adam and Eve did. It is important that we discover the value of running to Jesus and not away from Him. Turn to page 77 in your handbook then click on the image to see today's devotional.
Day 20 - 7th February
On this journey of the last few weeks, we’ve discovered the tremendous devotion and enormous sacrifice of Jesus. It is only appropriate now for us to also respond to that with our devotion to His cause. Turn to page 79 in your handbook then click on the image to see today's devotional.